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Allergy. What to do?

More recently, allergy was a rare disease, but every day there is a tendency for this disease to grow. According to the World Health Organization, allergy is the third most common disease in the world. Each person in his life has experienced any manifestations of allergies, many came to the doctor with questions: “Doctor, allergy – what is it? What to do? How to cure? ” Let’s deal with allergies  – hypersensitivity of the body, in relation to a certain substance or substances, which develops with repeated exposure to these substances. When any foreign substance enters the body, the immune system immediately recognizes it and destroys it. A foreign substance (allergen) can be animal hair, various foods, dust, medicines, chemicals, insect bites and pollen. Our immune system is constantly fighting allergens. Unfortunately, every year environmental conditions are getting worse and worse: chemicalization, radiation background and other environmental problems, disruptions to the normal way of life (overeating and abuse of certain foods, uncontrolled intake of medications, violations of the motor regime) – all this leads to disruptions in the work of the immune system. As a result, it works and begins to react very strongly to a common irritant (allergen), interfering with the quality of life.

Symptoms of allergy can be very different, the most common is respiratory allergy (when an allergen comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, sneezing, itching in the nose, a runny nose, a cough appears. ), All symptoms disappear when the allergen is excluded. Respiratory allergies are most often seasonal. The reason is the pollen of various plants: trees, grasses, grasses, asteraceae, spores of some mushrooms, etc. People with allergies often wake up at night due to discomfort, suffocation. Several such nights and you get nervous, irritable, mood spoil. Another manifestation is allergic dermatoses, manifested by various skin rashes, redness and swelling of the skin, itching. With hives, swelling and blistering can be quite pronounced, and with eczema-like rashes, dry and flaky skin can be more common in foods. How is allergy diagnosed? Of course, they pay attention to the symptoms, which are usually quite pronounced. But a one hundred percent diagnosis can be made only by identifying an allergen that causes allergic reactions in a person. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, although from year to year, diagnostic methods are becoming more perfect and more accurate.

The most pressing issue today is the treatment of allergies. First of all, you need to try to remove or minimize the likelihood of contact with the allergen (if identified). For example, if it is an allergy to pet hair, they will have to be abandoned; if for chocolate, oranges, eggs or other food, they must be removed from the diet. But this is the ideal. In addition, there is drug therapy, which is mainly symptomatic. Treatment of allergic diseases must be carried out using traditional methods (antihistamines, corticosteroids , sympathomimetics) in combination with enterosorbents , which help cleanse the body of allergens, toxins and toxins. 

The small intestine is a surface that is constantly in contact with foreign substances that enter the body. The intestinal mucosa comes into contact with various substances 10 times more than the respiratory tract and 300 times more than the skin. To prevent food antigens from entering the body through the intestinal wall, the immune system provides a protective response.

Immune protection under the influence of various factors (inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, stress, GMO foods) may decrease. Enterosorbents , being in the intestinal lumen, bind toxic substances without direct contact with blood, which reduces the level of toxins in the body as a whole. Polysorb MP is a modern high-performance enterosorbent based on natural silicon mineral. The absorbing surface of Polysorb , created in the gastrointestinal tract, is three times superior to analogs ( polyphepam , lactofiltrum , enterosgel , atoxil ) and more than two hundred times the adsorbing efficiency of activated carbon. Polysorb must be included in complex therapy in the first hours of an exacerbation of an allergy or an allergic reaction. It is introduced into the digestive tract naturally – orally. As a rule, the appointment is prescribed 1-1.5 hours before meals. This period is necessary for Polysorb to react with the contents of the stomach and partially evacuate into the intestine, where the process of its interaction with the components of the intestinal contents continues. You can not take Polysorb MP at the same time as antihistamines, the difference in intake should be 1.5-2 hours. Polysorb is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension. The daily dose is 0.1-0.2 g / kg of body weight (6-12 grams), until the onset of the clinical effect. In this case, the daily dose of Polisorb is evenly distributed over 3-4 doses, in between breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of treatment is 6-10 days. The prophylactic course is recommended to be carried out monthly (in the first 3 months), and then once a quarter during the year. The question of the frequency of preventive measures is decided individually with each person.

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