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Sun allergy. Causes, symptoms, precautions

Soak up the sun, get a beautiful tan, strengthen the immune system and get rid of chronic depression – who would refuse such a pleasure on summer days? But the sun’s rays are not always “gentle” and not for everyone. Heatstroke and skin burns during prolonged exposure to the scorching sun are still half the trouble, although, of course, there is nothing pleasant in this. It is much worse to face such a problem as solar dermatitis, that is, an allergy to the sun.

Causes of solar dermatitis

No one is immune from the occurrence of sun allergy, since the circumstances that led to it can be very different.

For someone, even a short exposure to the sun on a hot day is dangerous; for someone an allergic reaction can only be caused by prolonged exposure to bright sunlight on exposed skin. The combination of exposure to the body of active ultraviolet radiation and other irritating factors, such as cosmetics, pollen, chlorine in the pool water or taking certain medications, also often cause solar dermatitis. It is not uncommon for hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays to be caused by a weakened immune system or chronic illness.

Receiving large doses of ultraviolet radiation, the human body activates all defense mechanisms aimed at the production of melanin. This increases the load on important internal organs, in particular on the kidneys and liver. Considering that after the cold season, immunity is noticeably reduced, this becomes a real stress for the body, and, as a result, there is an allergy to the sun’s rays.

The factors provoking the occurrence of this type of allergy can also be phototoxic substances, which include sulfonamides, various diuretics and antidiabetic drugs, as well as some types of essential oils. Even disinfectants, creams and ordinary cosmetics, combined with active exposure to bright sunlight, can provoke the appearance of photodermatitis and photodermatosis.

In addition, the causes of the appearance of solar dermatitis are vitamin deficiency, liver dysfunction, improper metabolism, not completely cured or latent chronic diseases.

Sun allergy symptoms

Externally, solar dermatitis, or as it is also called “solar urticaria”, looks like a common irritation of the skin. A red rash, scaling, small patches of pustular rashes can appear in the décolleté, on the arms, legs and other parts of the body that have been exposed to long-term exposure to bright sunlight.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction to the sun can also include slight skin redness, swelling, burning and itching.

Preventing sun allergies

Before going to the beach, in about 20 minutes, it is necessary to apply special tanning lotions, UV protective agents, and creams to the body. After prolonged sunbathing and showering, be sure to use moisturizers that not only provide your skin with optimal hydration, but also protect it from UV rays.

Do not get carried away with the use of decorative cosmetics, perfumes, gels and creams with perfume during the hot season. Under the influence of the scorching rays of the sun, they can provoke the appearance of unpleasant age spots on the skin, which will disappear no earlier than after 2-3 weeks.

Owners of too sensitive skin are advised to avoid direct sunlight altogether and sunbathe only in the shade.

Symptoms of a mild allergic reaction to the sun can be treated with special ointments that include betamethasone , prednisolone, or dexamethasone .

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