nail fungus treatment

Hives on the palms may be a sign of a serious autoimmune disease


For almost two years, due to the covid pandemic, great attention has been paid to hand hygiene. Detergents and antiseptics have become very popular, and therefore when urticaria appears on the palms, people “sin” on them.

Is this so and what kind of diseases can lead to allergic and non-allergic rashes, read below.

Symptoms usually do not signal serious illness, but may indicate infection or contact with an irritant.

With urticaria, most patients complain of:

· itching      

Burning sensation;      

· Redness;      

· Peeling skin;      

· The appearance of ulcers, cracks and bleeding.      

Therefore, if you have sensitive skin, avoid harsh detergents and protect your hands from unnecessary contact with cotton gloves.


The reasons can be caused by the following diseases:

· Allergic reactions      

· Hand eczema;      

· Disgidroticheskaya eczema      

· Contact Dermatitis      

· Psoriasis,      

· Dry skin;      

· Diabetes      

· Reaction to medications;      

· Cirrhosis      

· Impetigo;      

Allergy as a manifestation of urticaria on the palms

It occurs when the immune system tries to protect you from things that are not really a threat. For example, raspberries or your favorite cat.

Allergies can also be caused by medication. In case of a reaction to the allergen used, the palms will itch and also become blistered in the form of hives.

Other symptoms that tend to appear at the same time as the rash include:

· Vomiting;      

· Diarrhea;      

· Itching in the mouth;      

· Edema;      

· Anaphylactic shock.      

In the latter case, it will be difficult for you to breathe and / or swallow.

In addition, the person will experience the following symptoms:

· Urticaria, skin redness or pallor;      

· Redness of the skin;      

Abdominal pain      

· Weak or rapid pulse;      

Runny nose and sneezing;      

· Swollen tongue or lips;      

Tingling sensation in the hands, feet, mouth and even on the head.      

Ignoring these signs can lead to respiratory arrest and death.

But if the cause of the symptoms is a minor allergic reaction, then antihistamines will reduce or even eliminate the rash.

Eczema and dyshidrotic eczema 

Hand eczema affects up to 10% of the population. But this disease is not contagious. Symptoms include itchy palms, skin redness, cracking, dryness, and sometimes painful blistering.

Most often, eczema affects people of the following professions:

· Providing services keytiringa or restaurant staff;      

· Cleaning ladies;      

· Stylists;      

· Medical workers;      

· Mechanics.      

They are the ones who often have to wash their hands and use various chemicals. Therefore, prevention is the best treatment option. Namely, the use of protective equipment such as gloves.

If synthetics are also irritating, wear an extra pair of cotton gloves underneath.

Wash your hands with warm water, avoid gel disinfectant cleaners, and use fragrance-free soap.

Dyshidrotic eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema is a special type of eczema that causes small, itchy clusters of blisters that are very painful.

The blisters should dry and peel off within three weeks .

Dyshidrotic eczema usually affects women, although men can also get it.

No cure has yet been invented for this disease.

Contact dermatitis

This is also a form of eczema. With it, rashes occur when the palms touch the stimulus. Sometimes, skin rashes can appear right away. However, in most cases, they appear after a while.

Contact dermatitis begins to bother a person after touching:

· Hogweed;      

· Nickel;      

· Means of hygiene and make-up;      

· Rubber gloves;      

· Jewelry;      

· Dust;      

· Soil;      

· Chlorinated water.      

Rashes on the palms may appear on contact with cleaning agents, bleach, or soap. If the ulcers bake severely and do not go away within a few days, seek immediate medical attention.

Drug reaction

Sometimes itchy palms can be caused by new medications. Such reactions are called histamine reactions . In this case, it will be the palms that will itch, since a large amount of histamines accumulate in the limbs.

If symptoms persist, you should talk to your doctor about the appropriateness of taking this or that prescription drug.

Non-allergic factors of damage to the palms

Dry skin

Cold weather or even routine cleaning of the conditioner can dry out the skin. And palms are especially unprotected here. Resist the urge to scratch them. This will only increase the irritation.

The best remedy is to use emollients. Dryness leads to hypersensitivity, so look for gentle products that are recommended for eczema and delicate skin.


Typically, this is a hereditary autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in various parts of the body, including the palms.

Psoriasis can be caused by other skin conditions, damage, or infection.

In addition to sore palms, you may feel

· Redness;      

· Peeling and dryness of the skin;      

· Plaque or thickening in the affected area;      

· Painful cracks in the hands.      

There are several types of psoriasis. And the degree of its manifestations is mild, moderate and severe.

Mild psoriasis is treated with emollient creams and shampoos. Severe – light therapy or special drugs.


In this condition, too high a blood sugar level can cause dry skin and itchy skin.

In addition, bumps and red spots will appear on the palms and other parts of the body.

Diabetes can cause itchy skin for a variety of reasons. Among them:

· Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage type)      

· Renal failure (possible complication of diabetes)      

· An allergic reaction to medications.      

If you have diabetes and itchy palms, be sure to see your doctor. People with this disease have reduced immunity, which means they are prone to infectious diseases.

Hand-foot-mouth disease

As a rule, it is children who are carriers of this disease, which is essentially enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthema. This viral infection is highly contagious. It causes sores and rashes in the mouth as well as on the legs and palms. Other symptoms include:

· Fever;      

· Sore throat;      

· Blisters on the tongue;      

· Red rash on the palms and soles of the feet;      

· Loss of appetite.      

As a rule, the disease is considered mild and resolves in a few days. But if its manifestations intensify and do not disappear within a short period, consult a doctor immediately.


Impetigo is a contagious disease that, again, occurs in children. Blisters appear on the face, neck, and palms.

They are immediately transmitted to a healthy person by contact with the skin or by touching objects that the patient used.

Impetigo causes severe itching and can spread to other parts of the body through scratches. Therefore, it is important not to scratch the ulcers.

Children are more likely to develop and develop this disease if they have other skin problems, such as eczema or contact dermatitis caused by poisonous plant sap (hogweed).

If you suspect impetigo, see your doctor. Only he can prescribe the medications necessary for his treatment.


This is a skin infection that can appear in any part of the body in the form of a ring. This is sometimes referred to as “athlete’s foot” or “athlete’s itch.” With this disease, in addition to rashes on the palms, you may experience the following symptoms:

· Dry skin;      

· Deep cracks;      

· Thickened skin;      

· Inflammation.      

Only a doctor should prescribe treatment. As a rule, these are topical preparations that will help get rid of the disease in 2-4 weeks.


An autoimmune disorder called primary biliary cholangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) can cause itching and patchy rashes on the palms.

PBC affects the bile ducts that connect the liver to the intestines. Bile that travels between these two organs builds up in the liver, causing lesions and scarring.

In addition to itchy palms, a person with this condition may experience the following symptoms:

· Spots on the palms;      

· Nausea,      

• bone pain;      

· Diarrhea;      

· Jaundice;      

· Dark urine.      

For unknown reasons, PBC is more common in women.

Prescription medications are prescribed to reduce the symptoms of itching.


Fortunately, some rashes will heal on their own. At first, just be careful and watch out for them. If the ulcers persist, try placing a cool, damp cloth or a paper towel wrapped in a bag of frozen food from the refrigerator to your palms.

In addition, if you are confident that you have no reaction to natural products, you can use them as well.

For example, mix olive oil with a little honey and turmeric powder and apply this poultice to the palm of your hand. Soothing oils include castor oil, coconut oil, or fish oil.

You can immerse your hands in an oatmeal bath or compress the oatmeal, ground in a coffee grinder, mixed with water. But, we repeat, recipes with phytopreparations are suitable only for people who are not allergic to these funds.

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