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Fly Bites: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention


Flies belong to the category of insects that wake up with the warmth of spring. But with their perseverance and harm, they can ruin the life of anyone. Not only do they climb into the face and spoil food, some of them also bite painfully. Which ones and why they do it, read below.


Their habitat is all of Europe, Asia, America and even Australia. In a word, these creatures are enough all over the world. They bite not only domestic animals, but also people. These are very insidious insects, because outwardly they can be confused with peaceful indoor “relatives”. The only difference is the smaller size and seven round black spots on the abdomen, arranged in a checkerboard pattern.

The bites of the aforementioned creatures are no different from pricks with a sharp needle or mosquito attacks. Most often, their bites appear on the feet, ankles, under the knees, and sometimes all over the legs. Red rashes and small burgundy bumps appear at the site of the bite. Treatment, as with local allergies – ice or a tea bag on the wounds, antihistamines inside. This will help relieve the symptoms of hives that have arisen, as well as reduce pain and swelling.


If you are going to travel to countries with tropical and subtropical climates, you should beware of sand fly bites. They are small in size with furry wings of a brownish-gray hue. The larvae resemble worms. Most often they attack at dusk. These creatures are very fond of moisture, as they breed in humus, moss and dirt.

Most of them are in the southern part of the United States and in South America. Male insects feed on nectar and juice, but females are real bloodsuckers. Their bites are very painful and dangerous. Immediately after the attack, burning and itchy bumps and blisters occur that cause dermatitis. But that’s not the worst thing that could happen.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these parasites transmit such a dangerous disease as leishmaniasis. A vaccine for it has not yet been invented. This disease manifests itself in the form of ulcers on the skin and an increase in body temperature. As a treatment, hydrocortisone ointment or calamine lotion should be applied to the bite site. This will reduce swelling and itching. If ulcers appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


This is another dangerous parasite that lives in the tropics. It has a length of 6-15 mm and a protruding mouth apparatus. Lives in the African forests, hiding in the hollows and trunks of trees, as well as between their roots. It bites very painfully. Immediately after the attack of the flies, red bumps and ulcers appear on the body. Transmits a disease such as trypanosomiasis (or sleeping sickness), which is characterized by the following symptoms:

·      headache;

· fever;

pain in the muscles;

· confusion of consciousness;


Trypasonomiasis causes swelling of the brain and, if left untreated, can lead to death. Therefore, if at least one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The disease can be diagnosed with a blood test. If trypasonomiasis is confirmed, you will be prescribed pentamidine , which is considered very effective in combating this ailment.


They are 4-8 mm long with black-brown stripes on transparent wings. They are distinguished by golden or bright green eyes on small rounded protrusions. They live near swamps, lakes and other bodies of water. They are most active in the spring.

Their bites are very painful. Immediately cause the appearance of red bumps and scars. It is these creatures that carry a deadly disease – tularemia. Her list of symptoms includes:

skin ulcers

· fever;

·      headache;

This disease is treated with antibiotics. Without medical intervention, it can end in death.

Immediately after a bite, wash the affected area with soap and water, apply ice, and take allergy medication.


Quite small in size – from 1 to 5 mm. They have a curved body, short antennae and fan-shaped wings. They live near water bodies, where they lay their larvae. You can meet black flies in the USA, but they carry a disease called “river blindness” or onchocerciasis only in the southern part of this continent and in Africa.

They usually bite on the head or face, leaving a small puncture wound that later turns into a huge golf ball-sized swelling.

Sometimes symptoms such as nausea, fever, and swollen lymph nodes may occur.

To reduce the risk of infection, wash the bite site thoroughly with soap and water and apply ice to it. The doctor may then prescribe topical steroids to reduce the risk of further infection.


If you are sure that you have been bitten by one of the above flies, you should take the following measures:

1. Lubricate the bite site with an antiseptic and soothing lotion;

2. Take antihistamines to reduce itching and swelling.

3. As a preventive measure, apply standard insect repellant to your entire body before going outside.

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