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Allergies in infants

The body of an infant accepts only breast milk as ideal food. However, it happens that allergies in infants also occur in the case of breastfeeding. The manifestation of allergies in infants indicates that the mother ate some wrong product, and the child’s body immediately reacted to it.

Allergies in infants can occur to the mother’s eaten citrus fruits, honey and nuts, strawberries and red vegetables, to rich meat broths. Of course, allergies in infants can also occur to other food products, which, in principle, are not irritants, but each child’s body is individual in this regard.

If the baby is already on complementary foods, or the mother is just going to introduce him into the daily diet and suspects that the child may have an allergy, since when feeding with breast milk , he often has reddening on the skin of his cheeks, it is worth consulting an allergist before introducing complementary foods. A qualified specialist will resolve the issue of the presence of an allergy in an infant, which could be inherited, if any. In addition, the child will undergo allergy tests, which will show which foods the body responds to with an allergic reaction. Allergies in most infants are due to the presence of cow’s milk protein in the diet, which is present in all milk cereals for babies. Other babies are allergic to casein , which is found in mother’s breast milk substitutes. 

If infants are allergic to cow’s milk, milk porridge should be excluded from the child’s diet. It is not worth worrying about the child’s lack of nutrients, since the prohibition of milk cereals is not forever, but only until the baby survives an allergy to its protein.

If a child is on a diet with a breast milk substitute, if he or she detects an allergic reaction to casein , doctors advise replacing it with a hydrolyzate. Such food, of course, is more expensive, but it is considered curative, and for any mother, nothing is more valuable than the health of her child. 

If allergies are found in an infant, you should not start using hormone-based ointments. Such drugs are usually prescribed only as a last resort, for example, when diagnosing atopic dermatitis. It may be that at a pediatrician appointment, only minor rashes appear on the baby’s skin, and the doctor will diagnose atopic dermatitis. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek confirmation from a dermatologist-allergist.

If for a long time a child’s allergy to a certain product is detected, then this product must be excluded from the diet for at least a few months. 

A mother needs to be extremely careful and careful when drawing up her child’s diet. New products are introduced literally one gram at a time, in the process of which the child’s condition is constantly monitored . At the same time, you should not limit the children’s menu to only those products that are not considered allergens. You can give your child baby puree containing, for example, plums or cherries – these berries rarely cause allergies. 

When preparing baby food on your own, it is worth soaking vegetables before boiling. When feeding a baby with meat broth, it is better to give a second broth. If a child has a tendency to allergies, you should always have the contacts of the appropriate specialist with you.

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